The « oh-so-overlooked » entrance hall

The « oh-so-overlooked » entrance hall

What can I do with my entrance hall?

Does your entrance hall live up to the rest of your home? Does it leave a good first impression? Often ignored, it deserves as much as your kitchen or bathroom to enjoy some TLC!

Do the test: following a few days out of the house, what are your first impressions when opening the front door? If words such as mess, disorder, or clutter come to mind, it’s time to see to it!

Do you have a place for everything and is everything in its place? Are you missing a piece of furniture to deposit your keys? To store all the shoes and boots? The coats, hats, scarves, and mittens? Are they tidily behind closed doors or carelessly thrown about too few wall pegs? Well- thought-out storage space will not only make your life more comfortable but also better greet anyone crossing your doorstep.

Storage space to meet your needs and expectations       

At Cuisines Rive-Sud, everything is custom-built. We design practical and great-looking storage units, maximize your space and ease the flow of foot traffic.

Space allowing, a custom-built bench seat is always a great idea. Practical and comfortable, there is nothing better to put on or remove boots and overshoes. On top of a well-thought-out storage unit, a mirror is a must to widen the space and add radiance to the room.

Our designers are at your service to help you with your project. Why not combine the renovation of your entrance hall with that of your kitchen and/or bathroom? You will save time and money.

Your entrance hall should be a reflection of your personality. Now’s the time to look into it!